Object Storage on CRAQ


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXHzbCuADt0

  • Chain replication. The basic approach organizes all nodes storing an object in a chain, where the chain tail handles all read requests, and the chain head handles all write requests. Writes propagate down the chain before the client is acknowledged, thus providing a simple ordering of all object operations—and hence strong consistency—at the tail. The lack of any complex or multi-round protocols yields simplicity, good throughput, and easy recovery.

  • Apportioned queries: that is, dividing read operations over all nodes in a chain, as opposed to requiring that they all be handled by a single primary node.

  • Eventual Consistency in our system implies that writes to an object are still applied in a sequential order on all nodes, but eventually-consistent reads to different nodes can return stale data for some period of inconsistency (i.e., before writes are applied on all nodes).

  • Each node can store multiple versions on an object. When it receives a write, it's marked as "dirty". When it receives an ack from below it markes it as "clean". When handling a read, if the value is clean - return it. If it's dirty - check with the tail, return its version.

    • Read-heavy - load distributed mostly uniformly across all nodes in the chain. Life is good.

    • Write heavy - will need to check with the tail a lot. Not great, but tolerable.

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